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Current Priorities

Sailing at the club, 2023 onwards

Objects of the Club, from the Rule Book (A2):

The objects of the Club shall be primarily the promotion of sailing and boating, the encouragement of yacht and dinghy racing on the River Deben, and the furtherance of good fellowship between those interested in sailing.

In 2023, looking to 2030 and beyond, key aspects of this are:

  • Fleet racing is at the heart of WSC but sailing at the club is more than this, notably including dinghy cruising and yachting
  • We value our volunteer culture, as a way of being part of the life of the club and of making sailing here more affordable

The club’s culture: We are aiming to encourage sailing for life and, as far as possible, for whole family engagement. In practice we intend that members enjoy and put energy into sailing activities and the surrounding social life.

Juniors: Cadets and Toppers are the chosen fleets for juniors, many juniors learning in both classes. Parents and guardians of Cadet and Topper sailors all play a part in the events – training, sailing, and social – that are put on for the juniors.

Adult beginners and learners: We offer sailing experience to adult beginners in dinghies and dayboats; some RYA training for adults and juniors, and we are now developing sessions for learning to race.

Adult dinghy racing: The adult fleets vary over time, depending on the enthusiasm of members. We aim to have a range of adult fleets, suitable for a wide range of adults. We aim for good competition within fleets, and races to be run to a good standard.

Good boating and ‘good fellowship’: The club is proud of the national and international racing success of members but most members race and/or cruise locally, in dinghies and in yachts. Whatever form of boating we do, we find that sailing is fun.