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Waldringfield Cadet Squadron

Sailing skills for life

The Cadet

The worlds most successful double handed, junior training dinghy has been a familiar sight on the River Deben since the 1950’s. Originally designed by Jack Holt in 1947, this mini yacht is the ideal dingy for young sailors, developing a life long passion and skill in sailing.

The major advantage the Cadet has over any other youth dingy is the unique relationship of the young crew and the the older, more competent Helm; the more experienced Helms (13yrs to 17yrs old) pass on their own knowledge to their Crew (sometimes as young as 6yrs old). It is this winning combination that Cadet sailors are very proud of and the reason many of our biggest sailing stars cut their teeth in a Cadet!

WSC Cadets, one the biggest and most active Cadet Squadrons in the UK

We have a great mix of sailing abilities within our Cadet squadron, from those who are just starting out through to those competing on a national and international basis. No matter what level you're at you will find that you quickly become part of the gang. The welcoming and supportive team environment created by our young sailors is something we are particularly proud of.

The squad is run entirely by volunteers, mainly the sailors parents and careers who are organised by the WSC Cadet committee. We always welcome help and are happy to help advise new families on joining the club and our squadron. 

How to get involved

We run a Development Squad programme at the club over weekends during the spring each year. This is ideal if you already have some experience of sailing and are wanting to improve your skills and learn to race.

New to Sailing?

WSC Cadets are passionate about their sport and we welcome new comers, we have kit you can borrow and club cadets you can hire. Why not contact us and we can make a plan about the best way to get you out on the water?

Our Squadron leader is Sarah Cox-Olliff and you can contact her on

Our squadron is active on Instagram and Facebook where you can also contact us

Hiring a Cadet

Did you know Waldringfield Cadet Squadron now owns FIVE Club Cadets?

These are “White Lightening”, “Space Cadet”, “Will Power”, “Crisis” and “Lazy Susan II”.  

The boats can be hired by members by the day for racing or training, or for a whole Racing or Training series or Cadet Week.  

There is a nominal charge of £10 per day for use of a Cadet, which contributes towards the upkeep of the boats (£50 for a race series).  If the boats are damaged and repairs are necessary, the hirer also agrees to pay the insurance excess of £50.

Contact to enquire about availability to book a Club Cadet.

Cadet Week & Open Event

In addition to the regular club events at Waldringfield, the Cadet class has two fixtures where we welcome Cadet sailors from around the country. Cadet Week is a 4 day event held during the summer, and the Cadet Open is a weekend event held during the autumn. Waldringfield Cadet Week has been held every summer since 1957.

This video shows footage from Waldringfield Cadet Week 2023. We are grateful to all our sponsors that support our squadron and make these events possible. Upcoming dates for these events should be available at the bottom of this page.

Racing & Training

The Cadets sail most Wednesdays & Saturdays as part of our regular club racing, we support their development though structured training as part or our affiliation to the UK National Cadet Class. There is a lot of opportunity to travel as part of the UK National Cadet Class and take part in training and regattas organised by them and by the RYA.

The highlights of the calendar for our Cadets are the UKNCCA Nationals a fun filled week and a chance to race against the best sailors in the UK. This year the Nationals will be held in Torquay. The UKNCCA will be celebrating their 75th year, so this Nationals will be an extra special event! The International Cadet Class’s European Championship the following week at the same venue.

The best week of the Summer is of course Cadet Week with home based, traveling and visiting Cadets coming together for fun on and off the water at Waldringfield.

Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. The UK National Cadet Class Association (UKNCCA) website has a list of events and a newsletter you can sign up to.

Key Dates 2024

East Region training13 JanAlton Water
East Region training27 JanAlton Water
East Region training10 FebAlton Water
RYA Dinghy Show24/25 FebFarnborough
East Region training2 MarAlton Water
Grafham Residential weekend9/10 MarGrafham
Club racing season begins16 MarWaldringfield
Easter Egg Open29/30 MarWaldringfield
Pre-Selector Training4 AprPlymouth
UKNCCA Spring Series Event 15-7 AprPlymouth
Wednesday evening racing begins17 AprWaldringfield
UKNCCA Spring Series Event 227-28 AprBrightlingsea
RYA Regional Championships22/23 JunGrafham
Pre-Worlds Training13/14 JulTBC
Waldringfield Regatta12-14 JulWaldringfield
UK Nationals & World Championships27 Jul – 9 AugPlymouth
WSC Cadet Week24-26 AugWaldringfield
Cartoon Open7/8 SeptWaldringfield
Inland Championships14/15 SeptDatchet
WSC Cadet Open2/3 NovWaldringfield